PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- One of my duties, and with Chief business, is to highlight and provide information about beneficial programs so you can make the best decision about your Air Force career. One of those program requirements is the Non-Extended Active Duty (EAD) which is the pathway for an enlisted member to become an officer. This is the process for enlisted members possessing a baccalaureate or higher degree to earn a commission in the U.S. Air Force Reserve.
The first step is to talk to your commander. You will need your commander’s endorsement to pursue this path. Second, meet with our 302nd Force Support Squadron Wing Training office to schedule your Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT). There are different paths and requirements for commissioning in rated positions (pilot/nav) and non-line positions (medical, chaplain, and JAG). With the Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command recruitment and retention initiative, there are no longer limitations to certain career fields commissioning into overages. If a commander wants to commission a member, they simply need to update their manning plans and advertise the position as a Non-EAD commissioning opportunity. The commander works with our FSS team on these commissioning advertisements and opportunities
One thing to point out is that this process takes your time, effort and dedication. Most of the prerequisite requirements – the physical/medical documentation, obtaining the required documents for your non-EAD application package – is accomplished by you. Do not be discouraged, our FSS team is here to assist with the requirements and the non-EAD checklist. All enlisted members seeking a commission are encouraged to pursue this path.
During my tenure here, one of my main goals has been to talk about and push deliberate enlisted force development and to help Airmen pursue their career goals; to build and grow the next leaders. The Air Force provides many opportunities in your career and professional development. The Non-EAD program is one of those opportunities for enlisted members to continue serving in an officer role.
Thank you for your service, dedication, leadership, and serving Citizen Airmen in the USAF.
-Chief Scalise