
  • Professionalism: A tradition that never changes

    With the recent passing of our Air Force’s 74th birthday, I’ve been putting a good deal of thought into how much has changed. In the 25 years I’ve served, I’ve worn three uniforms, seen a number of bases close, and several airframes retired.It struck me that there is one thing that hasn’t and never

  • The rewards of a public affairs career in two military branches

    I have heard it said that journalism is the first draft of history. For the military, public affairs also stands directly at that intersection of current events that become inscribed into history.As someone who has served as a public affairs specialist in two branches of the military, both the Air

  • The hardest months of my life

    I couldn’t believe my husband was about to leave. We were 19 years old, recently married, and had just moved to California. It was hard leaving my parents, but with him by my side, I was optimistic. But there I stood, waiting to say goodbye to my best friend for seven months.

  • Diversity, Inclusion and You

    The dictionary states that diversity is “the quality or state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization,” and the definition of inclusion is “the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.” The Air Force

  • Leadership is LOVE

    I draw much of my inspiration for my life from my faith and one of the key tenets of my belief system is that love is first and foremost the one thing we are called to do at all times. Love is my leadership philosophy and tempers my approach to every challenge, opportunity or interaction I have as

  • What’s your Target?

    “If you don’t know your target you will never get there.” In your career you will have many twists and turns but the key to moving forward is knowing what your target is.

  • What is Your Passion?

    The U.S. Air Force has taught me lessons and provided very valuable tools for success. Reliability, a strong work ethic and humility are all important characteristics required for any leader. However, the trait I feel is vital and sometimes forgotten is passion.

  • Reflective Warrior

    Having a sense of purpose is the driving factor for why we are here. Do your Airmen know and understand their purpose for being here, being in the Air Force, in the DOD and in life in general? Every life has value. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he