Cyber News

  • Preparing for War with China, 2025–2032

    The US needs to prepare for potential war with China in the 2032 timeframe. Some leaders may choose to ignore the signs of China's designs for altering the world's balance of power. However, that does not erase China's aggressive behavior in the SCS and ECS over the past 10 years. Likewise, the USAF

  • Dragons Must Eat: China’s Food Insecurity and Strategic Vulnerability

    Although definitions of vary, most formulations of the term focus on the ability to reliably satisfy a population basic nutrition requirements despite friction and adverse circumstances with domestic production or imports. Historically, food security has been a critical Chinese strategic goal, and

  • The Coming of Quad and the Balance of Power in the Indo-Pacific

    The idea of the Indo-Pacific and the revival of the Quad is taken to be a balancing act to thwart the growing Chinese footprint in the region. Therefore, this article will first address the theoretical framework of balance of power, giving readers an overview about why nations balance. It will also

  • Building Resiliency: A New US Approach to East Asia

    The concept of societal resilience must underpin US strategy toward East Asia, as strengthening allies' and partners' societies provides the best method for constraining China's aggressive activities. The current US focus on Chinese capabilities has resulted in a misguided approach to the region.

  • Seize the Data Initiative

    Creating scalable, integrated networks with adaptive, resilient, and collaborative properties is the key to covering the gaps and seams of our decision loops and to deterring conflict by convincing our adversaries that achieving their objectives by force is not possible. This is the change that will

  • Africa, America, and China: Estimation or Underestimation?

    Unlike the United States, China is heavily invested in African infrastructure, telecommunications, and government-to-government ties. What accounts for this investment? And has the United States underestimated Africa? There are several possible answers to this first question. First,

  • What Makes an Arctic Nation?: Looking Within at American Arctic Narrative

    In the Arctic region since the end of the Cold War, if not before, there has been a mismatch between the national interest of the United States as expressed on paper versus the drive to act on feelings expressed by the American public. The era of great-power competition, played out against the

  • China’s Polar Silk Road: Implications for the Arctic Region

    The mounting tensions between the United States and China will pose a challenge to China's Arctic strategy. At the same time, China's involvement and behavior related to the South China Sea dispute might pose its own hindrance to the bigger goal. It will be beneficial for China not to engage in

  • Openness in the Far East: A Liberal and Openness Approach to China’s Rise

    First, this article discusses openness and selective US interests in an openness strategy. Second, recognizing that power comes from many sources, this article discusses leveraging the diplomatic, information, economic, then military (DIME) instruments of power to address China's rise and achieve

  • The Arctic in an Age of Strategic Competition

    The new Arctic has already changed the dynamics of international commerce, the search for raw materials, access to the Far North, and military presence. History has shown that when America is slow to react to global challenges, the nation may find itself in a game of catch-up with the nations that

  • The Indo-Pacific Dimension in US Arctic Strategy

    The clear focus of US strategic thinking today is on China and the Indo-Pacific region. This reflects bipartisan consensus and continuity at least in threat assessment across presidential administrations. What does this focus on the Indo-Pacific mean for the Arctic? How does change in the Arctic