Cyber News

  • CROWS partners with industry to bring focus to cyber resiliency

    The virtual discussion featured a program overview, a discussion of their Systems Security Engineering Cyber Guidebook, and a cyber resiliency roundtable between government and industry experts, which included representatives from Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, FireEye, Lockheed Martin, and

  • Air Force Tech Report: Zero Day for Cyber

    What would it mean if an Air Force cyber system was compromised? What would it look like and how would you fix it, fast? Those are questions the Cyber Resiliency Office for Weapons Systems, or CROWS, asks every day and they’re working on solutions to prevent that kind of interference from ever

  • BLUE: Cyber in Contested Domain

    As America's adversaries evolve, the Air Force has to be ready to withstand a digital 'sucker punch'. To mitigate this threat, cybersecurity is being integrated into the development of all new programs from the start.