
  • Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to be Silenced

    For many years, women have fought to have the same rights as their male counterparts. The 19th amendment, signed in 1920 by President Woodrow Wilson, allowed millions of women to move closer to equality in all aspects, to include voting rights, educational opportunities, and fairer wages.

  • Pride through a lens

    By definition pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.It is also a consciousness of one’s own dignity.Colloquially, in the LGBTQ+

  • Diversity in disability

    As I reflect on last month, I am reminded how no two individuals will ever travel on the same path or share the exact same experiences. In other words, we are all different and even if we are raised in the same household, we each observe and perceive the world in our own unique way.

  • My story is not unique

    At the age of nine, my grandmother told me a story I have never been able to get over. She told me a story about when she was a year younger than me she was smacked in the face by a woman in a grocery store for talking too much. She did not know the woman and she was smacked because she was

  • Independence and diversity

    Socrates said, “To find yourself, think for yourself.” To find oneself is to find one’s independence. Independence is our ability to make decisions and live life free from the control or influence of other people. This definition would suggest that independence can be an isolating concept, but in