
  • Losing your “COVID-19”

    Between the global pandemic shutting down gyms and the Air Force halting fitness assessments, a lot of you reading this are going to have to drop your “COVID-19”. During my activation from March through May 2020, I gained about 15 pounds.

  • Reconciling good fortune during COVID-19

    It may be a little presumptuous of me to claim I have survivor’s guilt associated with COVID-19 considering it’s an on-going crisis. None of us will know who comes out the other side until we are already there. But, I believe we have been in this long enough to appreciate other people’s lives have

  • Stress during COVID

    Everyone responds to stress differently and prolonged exposure to stress is unhealthy. Please read some tips from this commentary on ways to navigate stressful environments and improve overall resilience during these trying times. Look out for each other as well as yourself. If you need help, please

  • Stay home - Empower lives

    “Stay home. Save lives.”These words blinked on the overhead traffic sign as I sped down what was usually a jammed highway. The eerie emptiness outside reminded me of one of those apocalyptic Hollywood movie scenes – You know, the one where the protagonist is desperately searching through the heart

  • Grief and Loss During COVID-19

    A Thoughtful Approach to Grief and Loss while Practicing Social Distancing due to COVID-19.Jessica-Lynn Stanley, Maj, USAF, BSCLicensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

  • Tips for Teleworking Success

    With COVID-19 spreading rapidly, many folks around base are being asked to telework a few days a week to reduce the amount of people on base. Here are some tips to improve your productivity and make working from home feel like, well, a home office.

  • Coming together through social distancing

    We are physically more isolated from each other than we have ever been, but I believe this time of crisis and social distancing is ultimately bringing us together.