
  • Stratification and what it means for you

    EPRs are an integral part of force development which assists personnel managers in identifying the best qualified enlisted personnel.  For SNCOs, a strong emphasis is placed on EPRs in determining nominative job positions, Stripes for exceptional Performers II (STEP II) promotions, career

  • Remembering our Heritage: One Airman’s inspiration for service

    Every year since 1968, by presidential proclamation, September 15th through October 15th has been set aside to honor the contributions of Hispanic Americans. During this period of time each year we recognize the Hispanic population's significant achievements and contributions.

  • Serving Servicemembers’ children to start the school year

    The start of the 2020 school year is unlike one students, teachers, and parents have ever encountered before. School supplies and school shopping has taken on a completely new meaning, with most first days happening in living rooms through virtually learning.

  • Blaming Victims - Comforting Ourselves

    Victim blaming is not exclusive to sexual assault or even crime. You may hear of a friend’s home being burglarized and think, they should not have bought a house in that neighborhood, but you may also have heard of an acquaintance passing away in a car accident and rationalized that they probably

  • The Founding of America

    The words that open the Declaration of Independence are some of the most profound and inspiring words that have been written on behalf of a revolution. The American War for Independence was one of the first of its kind to be fought against a mother nation.