
  • Overcoming Abuse

    This is my Air Force story; why despite my difficult life experiences and many jobs I had, I chose to become an Airman.

  • Making it off the island

    Military members, family members, government civilians and base contractors are encouraged to reach out to their unit leadership, supervisors, wingmen or key spouses for help. If you are having thoughts of suicide, call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately.

  • The indefinite temporary: 2020 teaches lessons in gratitude, personal growth

    In April, as much of the world was cooped up indoors, waiting out the first, deadly batch of cases during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, I was binge watching every episode of the classic American TV show “M*A*S*H.”One of my favorite episodes follows the gang at the 4077th through 1951 in a

  • Expressing what's inside

    We are living in a world today that is full of turmoil. Between a global pandemic and issues related to racism and social injustice, people are polarized with their thoughts and emotions. This often leads to increased tensions and difficult interactions.    Fear. Hurt. Frustration. Anger. Sadness.

  • Mental Health; through the eyes of a spouse

    After graduating from college, finding the man of my dreams, and deciding to have a family of my own I remember thinking everything was perfect! Everything was perfect, but it wasn’t.

  • Stay home - Empower lives

    “Stay home. Save lives.”These words blinked on the overhead traffic sign as I sped down what was usually a jammed highway. The eerie emptiness outside reminded me of one of those apocalyptic Hollywood movie scenes – You know, the one where the protagonist is desperately searching through the heart