Q: What is the role of the CVRT?
A: The CVRT is a team comprised of personnel and services Airmen who are specifically trained in accountability, in-processing procedures, beddown and feeding operations in a contingency environment. The team was activated by Brig. Gen. Scott Cain, 96th TW commander, to ensure inbound Team Eglin personnel as well as quarantined and isolated dorm Airmen are appropriately supported in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Q: What does “isolation” mean?
A: Isolated personnel are those who have tested positive for COVID-19. They are to stay in their assigned rooms, in the designated lodging areas, with no contact with others to eliminate further passing of the virus. Authorized Medical Personnel will officially claim that isolation is required.
Q: What does “quarantine” mean?
A: Quarantined personnel are those deemed a risk due to previous location, current health, or any other extenuating circumstances. Six feet (or more) social distancing should be observed, limited contact with others, avoid crowded places, and limit activities to essential only for 14 days. The Unit Commander or Medical personnel will officially claim a person is to be quarantined.
Leadership (Commanders, Chiefs, First Sergeants) FAQ
Q: What can the CVRT do for me?
A: The CVRT is your one-stop-shop for in-processing and bed-down/food care for your individuals who are in our lodging facilities due to isolation. The CVRT is here to answer questions, offer dining facility menus, and to ensure your isolated personnel are comfortable in their time of separation from work and family.
The most current CVRT and COVID-19 related Helping Agency Team (HAT) resources are available at the Eglin Integrated Resilience Facebook page. Resources: Eglin Integrated Resilience Facebook, CVRT Group.
Q: How will the unit be notified if a dorm resident is medically confirmed as COVID-19 positive?
A. If a dorm resident is positive for COVID-19, the member must be isolated. The Eglin AFB PHEO will issue a Notice of Isolation to the dorm resident IAW EAFB 10-2608 and notify unit leadership utilizing an AF Form 469. The 96 MDG MCC will report updated isolation status for dorm residents as changes occur (at least daily) to EOC ESF 8/11. EOC ESF 8/11 will coordinate isolation activities with CVRT, LRS, Dorm Management, the Wing Augmentation team and unit leadership. (COVID-19 Dorm Plan)
Q: How will the COVID-19 positive dorm resident be transported to Lodging (Riptide Inn)?
A: EOC ESF8/11 will contact 96 TW LRS EOC representative at 882-3312 or vehicle dispatch at 882-3791 to arrange for transportation with the COVID-19 transport vehicle (modified van with separated driver/passenger compartment).
Q: How do I ensure food reaches my isolated personnel?
A: Each member that is isolated will receive an email with the weekly meal options, the email will have detailed instructions on how to place their orders. Please ensure members are checking their spam folder, email will be from eglincvrt@gmail.com.
Once members place their orders by emailing (cvrtmealorders@gmail.com), an augmentee team will pick-up the meals and deliver them to each of the member’s doors. Reference the Meal Ordering Flow Chart for details on times and what information is needed.
Q: How do I ensure food reaches my quarantined personnel?
A: Each member in quarantine will receive an email from their unit with the weekly meal options and the email will have detailed instructions on how to place their orders. Additionally, the menu can be viewed on the CVRT Facebook page.
Once member’s place their orders by emailing (cvrtmealorders@gmail.com) the unit is responsible for food pick-up at the DFAC and delivery to their unit members.
Q: Can personnel in quarantine or isolation receive take out?
A: The DFAC is an option, not mandatory. This option does have a cost associated with it and the member or their unit will be responsible for payment. The unit is required to pick up the meals and deliver to their member in isolation and in quarantined status.
Q: How will my personnel in quarantine and isolation receive medical supplies (cold packs, etc) and other personal items (hygiene, etc)?
A: The CVRT delivery augmentee team will deliver food and medical items for individuals who are isolated in the Riptide Inn. However, units are responsible for delivering food and medical supplies to their members who are quarantined.
Q: Will my personnel have access to the HAT while in quarantine and isolation?
A: The CVRT is working closely with the HAT to ensure personnel have the resources and outlets they require to maintain a resilient lifestyle. Phone numbers, websites, and activities will be offered to the individuals upon arrival to lodging and will be accessible on the Eglin Integrated Resilience Facebook page.
Isolated Personnel FAQ
Q: What can the CVRT do for me?
A: The CVRT is here for you to ensure your care and feeding requirements are met. The CVRTcan be reached at eglincvrt@gmail.com.
Q: How will I get new room supplies like towels, cleaning items, sheets, etc?
A: Each person in isolation will receive a 14-day housekeeping kit that will consist of additional towels, linen, trash bags, cleaning supplies, etc.
Q: What is the process for ordering food from the DFAC?
A: Each member that is isolated will receive an email with the weekly meal options, the email will have detailed instructions on how to place their orders. Please ensure members are checking their spam folder, email will be from eglincvrt@gmail.com.
Once members place their orders by emailing (cvrtmealorders@gmail.com), an augmentee team will pick-up the meals and deliver them to each of the member’s doors. Reference the Meal Ordering Flow Chart for details on times and what information is needed.
Q: Do I need to eat from the DFAC? Can I receive food from other places?
A: No, the DFAC is an option, not mandatory. This option does have a cost associated with it and each member or their unit will be responsible for payment. The unit is required to pick up the meals and deliver to their member in isolation and in quarantined status.
Q: How will I receive personal hygiene items and medically issued items while in isolation?
A: The CVRT delivery augmentee team will deliver food and medical items for individuals who are isolated in the Riptide Inn. However, units are responsible for delivering food and medical supplies to their members who are quarantined. Member’s unit will be responsible for obtaining and delivering specific personal hygiene requests.
Q: What Helping Agencies are available to me and how do I contact them?
A: The CVRT is working closely with the HAT to ensure personnel have the resources and outlets they require to maintain a resilient lifestyle. Phone numbers, websites, and activities will be offered to the individuals upon arrival to lodging and will be accessible on the Eglin Integrated Resilience Facebook page.
Quarantined Personnel FAQ
Q: What can the CVRT do for me?
A: The CVRT is here for you to gain resource information for needed Helping Agencies, process for ordering meals, and ask questions regarding your actions to be taken while in quarantine.
Q: If I chose to eat from the DFAC, what is the process for ordering food from there?
A: Each member that is quarantined will receive an email from their First Sergeant with the weekly meal options, the email will have detailed instructions on how to place their orders.
Once members place their orders by emailing (cvrtmealorders@gmail.com), the member’s unit will pick-up the meals and deliver them to each of the member’s doors. Reference the Meal Ordering Flow Chart for details on times and what information is needed.
Q: Do I need to eat from the DFAC? Can I receive food from other places?
A: No, the DFAC is an option, not mandatory. This option does have a cost associated with it and each member or their unit will be responsible for payment. The unit is required to pick up the meals and deliver to their member in isolation and in quarantined status.
Q: How will I receive personal hygiene items and medically issued items while in isolation?
A: Each member’s units are responsible for delivering food and medical supplies to their members who are quarantined. Member’s unit will be responsible for obtaining and delivering specific personal hygiene requests.
Q: What Helping Agencies are available to me and how do I contact them?
A: Members can visit the Eglin Integrated Resilience Facebook page for the Helping Agency’s resources and outlets to maintain a resilient lifestyle. Website includes phone numbers, resources, and activities for members. CVRT organization box (eglincvrt@gmail.com) is also available for any additional questions members may have.