June is PTSD Awareness Month

  • Published
  • By Ms. Mary Arnold, 301st Fighter Wing director of psychological health

June is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month and I believe it’s important for every Airman to know a little about this invisible wound.  Please see the attached infographic for resources and more information.  Below are a few of the highlights:


  1. I often hear that people don’t seek help for fear that it will negatively impact their career.  Well… I have GREAT news!  Studies have shown that 94% of Airmen who received PTSD treatment continued to progress in their career!   


  2. Combat is not the only “cause” of PTSD.  Other traumas may include sexual or physical assault, serious accidents, terrorist attacks, or natural disasters. 


  3. The signs and symptoms of PTSD may include flashbacks or nightmares about the traumatic event, irritability, frustration, or anger, difficulty focusing, fatigue, and poor self-care.


  4. Treatment is available through a variety of resources and I am happy to help get you connected to the resource that is the best fit for you!   


Keep your eyes open for a few sessions of iRest during the month of June!  iRest is a guided meditation program and a great way to take care of yourself.  Although it is not considered treatment when I conduct the sessions, iRest has been shown to resolve symptoms associated with PTSD. 


Take care of yourself and take care of each other!





Mary Arnold, LCSW

Director of Psychological Health

301st Fighter Wing

NAS Fort Worth JRB

Office: (817)782-3287

Cell: (682) 888-6340